Friday, January 8, 2010


While Larkin was sewing buttons on a hankie, she suddenly realized that was something she could do as a job. Later that night, she asked Emile to make a list of all the things she might do as employment one day (as dictated by herself, naturally):

animal helper
baseball player
light fixer
yoyo champion
bouquet seller
rescue center worker (like diego)
teapot fixer
light fixer (yes, this one came up twice)
boardgame seller

Emile asked what she liked doing most right now, and the immediate answer was "digging up buried treasure!" When Emile told her there were actually people *in the real world* (a big point of distinction in our house) who were treasure hunters, she immediately declared that was her intended vocation.

A quick web search revealed a TV show dedicated to real life treasure hunts. An episode is at the top of our Netflix queue.

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