Sunday, April 25, 2010

Larkin's Song

(sneaky guest post by Emile...)

As we were pulling up to the house in the car today Larkin asked if I could play the "we all live in a yellow submarine" song. I said that we could put it on once we got inside, but by the time we got through the door she had become distracted by singing lyrics. She asked if someone could write down her song for her and this is what Jenny recorded:

We all live in a yellow submarine
yellow submarine
yellow submarine
And the skies of the yellow submarine floats by clouds
Floating by houses
And past flying red jewels
A dog barks at us flying by
And then an army of floating jellyfish
Say the world's going to be invaded by water
And then a giant nice piece of cloth comes
And stops the world from being invaded by water
And then a giant sword comes and battles the piece of cloth
But the piece of cloth won
And a river comes and gets the piece of cloth all wet but they didn't know the piece of cloth was a cloth fairy
And the cloth fairy got ready and dried herself off with her spell


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