Monday, June 22, 2009

Whiskey Pickles

Two weeks (or so) ago, Emile and the kids went to a small music festival while I was at the book exchange. I've been trying to talk Emile into guest-blogging the experience, but it hasn't happened yet so I thought I'd make a small gesture towards it. It was Pipes and Barrels, a festival which drew our attention mostly because Myshkin would be playing there, and also because it was taking place at her newly-completed cob studio a mere 50 miles north of us. Myshkin's recent house concert less than a mile from our rural door was canceled due to some sort of accident involving a cat which left her unable to play her guitar... so we appreciated the second chance.

It turns out the festival crowd and atmosphere were both cool and... interesting. Emile can expand on it later (he claims the intent is still there). The most important part (from the kids' retelling of events) is that Myshkin's housemate had a 10 week old puppy and she was happy to spend a great deal of time playing with the kids. The dog's name? Whiskey Pickles! The next day, Larkin was busily creating art and I was informed that it was a card for Whiskey Pickles:

So, yes, I have now officially sent mail to a dog. Emile bought Myshkin's new album while he was there and when we played it the next day, Larkin very casually said, "Oh yeah, Myshkin... I know Myshkin." She has major name-dropping potential.

In other news, Larkin is constantly singing songs in some yet-to-be-determined language.

Finn has mastered the art of positive affirmation.
Me: I'm going to wash some dishes.
Finn: I LOVE washing dishes... do you love washing dishes?
Me: Um, yeah, it's okay.
This routine is repeated about all minutiae of daily life, although my enthusiasm generally waxes and wanes depending on the activity in question.

Emile and I went out without the kids for the first time since this whole crazy kid business started. We attended an evening concert that (gasp) overlapped the time the kids are generally winding down for bed. I'm sure Les Claypool was thrilled to have us in the audience, and Grandpa Don and Grandma Vicki declared the evening a success with (barely) a hitch.

We also remembered our anniversary this week for the first time in at least three years. We remember declaring intent to have another big wedding party after 10 years, but... um, that would be next year... and we're tired.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Hamsder Family Crest

Finally got going with the henna tattoos. Larkin wanted us all to match but was okay when Emile rebelled and got his on his hand. They're fun, but I'm realizing it is going to take a lot of practice to make a nice, even line. Next stop, park day!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sugar and Spice

Larkin has been very excited about beading lately... well, I guess lately is about a year and a half. A sampling of her recent work:
It has been interesting to see her beading process evolve. She has always liked the smallest beads. When we go to a craft store and I ask a clerk where to find beads for my 4 year old, they invariably point me to big bins of garish plastic monstrosities. Larkin wants the itty-bitty seed beads.

Her inclination has always been to sort beads according to size and/or color as she strings them. The results are interesting, but not what I think of as particularly aesthetically pleasing. Larkin asked me, at some point, what kind of necklace she could make me. I said I tend to like patterns. She asked what kind of pattern. I said something like three round beads, then one long bead, over and over again. She nodded and set to work. About two hours later the necklace on the far left was complete. Now she reminds me to put it on before I go out... and it's not even obvious that I'm wearing something my kid made.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Snips and Snails

Snails are tough, man. This is our snail terrarium:

These guys have been in there for WEEKS with semi-regular bedding changes and infusions of dandelions to nibble. The kids have been loving finding snails outside and bringing them in to captivity. I admit, the snails that (I assume) were brought in first are starting to look a little sluggish (ha!). I think we'd better start a rotating catch and release program. maybe mark successive generations with sharpies. It would be interesting to see if they were catching the same ones over and over again or if they disappeared after release in the wild.

Larkin offers to let people hold her "pets" when they come over. She has had a few takers. So far, we have not had a massive jail break.